Antique Coca-Cola Ice Chest with a Fallout Twist
Antique Coca-Cola Ice Chest with a Fallout Twist
Antique Coca-Cola Ice Chest with a Fallout Twist
 Stone column asset for wall of cemetery scene. Sculpted in Zbrush, low poly modeled in 3ds Max and textures created in Photoshop.
 Stone column - 3,496 triangles and (1) 1024 texture sheet.
 Tombstone - 1,832 triangles and (1) 1024 texture sheet. Sculpted in Zbrush, low poly modeled in 3ds Max and textures created in Photoshop.
 Tombstones - 750 triangles (model on left) and 108 triangles (model on right). Combined on (1) 2048 texture sheet. Sculpted in Zbrush, low poly modeled in 3ds Max and textures created in Photoshop.
 Various props for cemetery scene. Sculpted in Zbrush.
 Various props created for cemetery scene. Sculpted in Zbrush, low poly modeled in 3ds Max and textures created in Photoshop.
 Small wood and metal bucket and magnifying glass. Another in a series of props I am creating for the cemetery scene. Sculpted in Zbrush.
 Cobblestone pathway created for cemetery scene. Sculpt and polypaint done in Zbrush.
 Close up of cobblestone pathway created for cemetery scene. Sculpt and polypaint done in Zbrush.
Personal Projects - Training Exercise
Goblin Jet Engine Hot-Rod (WIP)
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